What Information do Auto Accident Attorneys Need?

When you hire an attorney, they will certainly let you know what they need by having a conversation with you and discussing the next steps for the case. However, you can prepare for this meeting as much as possible by gathering certain things beforehand. If you're injured in an auto accident, then taking pictures right away might be impossible. However, if you can still function immediately after, albeit with pain, this is an excellent way to document the layout of the accident, where the cars are positioned, the scene of the accident, including the location, and anything else you would otherwise struggle to remember later on.


Take pictures of the license plates of the cars, the driver, any passengers and other factors that could even remotely play a part in a legal case later on. It's impossible to take too many pictures at this time because they will allow your lawyers in Ogden Utah that you hired from Ned's site to correctly reconstruct the scene later on in court, if necessary.


Another step you can do is gathering information on scene. Yes, there will normally be a police report, but ask the driver their full name, ask their passengers for their names and write down exactly what happened as soon as possible. Learn how to choose your lawyer and learn that from http://www.ehow.com/how_2053885_choose-personal-injury-lawyer.html. Small details are going to be fresh at this time that might get lost in the mental shuffle later on without you even realizing it. That's why it's important to carry an accident kit that also includes paper and a pen so you can document what happened, in your words, as soon as possible afterward. Make note of any conversations you have with the other driver as well, because this could be used to determine accident responsibility by either side in the future.


If you're contacted by the insurance company for the other party before you have met with your attorney, don't agree to anything and don't sign anything. Just make notes of what they say and then share that information with your www.siegfriedandjensen.com attorney. They will use it to contact them in reply and start the legal dialogue from that point. Keep in mind that no matter how nice the other party is and their attorney is, they are going to be looking out purely for their best benefit. It's not their job to see that you go home with the right settlement amount. Hire a professional legal expert and let them handle your case, but start them out with as much information as you can gather right away.